Wheelchair Arrivals
September 2022
Thanks to your generosity, 3,574 wheelchairs arrived in Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa, and Vietnam, with more en route to China, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eswatini, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Thailand, and Uganda.

F&M Bank Foundation Visit
September 7
Representatives from the Farmers & Merchants Bank Foundation visited our office in Irvine, California and delivered a generous gift. F&M Bank has been supporting Free Wheelchair Mission since 2008.

Story of a Life Transformed
September 9
Irum is a 28-year-old woman who lives with her two older brothers and their families in Pakistan.
Irum lost mobility to a childhood bout with an undiagnosed illness. She has not been able to walk since. Her parents were her caregivers, but after they both passed away, Irum’s sisters-in-law began to take care of her. No one in her family could afford to get her a new wheelchair.
But that isn’t the end of Irum’s story. Read more here.

Sending Wheelchairs to Ukraine
September 21
Free Wheelchair Mission has partnered with Invacare Europe to provide 1,176 Invacare Action 1R wheelchairs to Ukraine. A total of four containers of wheelchairs are being shipped from the factory in India and are expected to arrive in the coming weeks.
Read more about it in this press release.

Sharing Our Vision with Churches
September 25
Free Wheelchair Mission Founder and President Don Schoendorfer (above) spoke for a few minutes at the beginning of Sunday services at Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara while CEO Nuka Solomon and Development Officer Nikki Tobia held a presentation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach, where a confirmation class will be working on a service project for Free Wheelchair Mission this year.
We are blessed to partner with churches across the country! For more information on how your church can get involved, please download this PDF.

Newport Beach Living Article
September 2022
Newport Beach Living Magazine featured a story about Miracle of Mobility, which is one of the largest charity events held in Orange County, California.
To read the article, download this PDF.

Mobilize Officially Launches
September 2022
In September, we officially launched Mobilize, our new monthly giving program.
Monthly donations provide stability and sustain the progress of Free Wheelchair Mission. Plus, the lower administrative costs associated with monthly giving mean that gifts will make an even greater impact!
To become a Mobilizer, visit this page.