Today’s story comes from Costa Rica, where a vision team was distributing wheelchairs last week.
In one neighborhood impacted by Tropical Storm Nate, the team encountered a sweet family in need of a wheelchair. Team leader Georgia writes:
Debra is 82 and is very much in love with her husband, Surbullia! He is retired from working the machete in the sugar cane fields and loves his Debra dearly.
One of their daughters is Debra’s main caretaker.
Debra struggles with pain in her legs from swollen knees and ankles, and though she was able to slowly walk with a cane, it was not possible for her to achieve daily needs on her own anymore, or to venture out beyond the porch.
With the recent flooding, Debra’s immobility became a serious concern as the water level nearly rose above the rooftop where much of the entire family resides – grand-babies and all!
As we helped Debra into her wheelchair, she broke into tears of joy and gratitude. For her, this meant she no longer needed to anticipate how long it would be until her daughter or husband were able to help.
She was overwhelmed by the feeling of being independent again. What excited her the most was the idea of going into town to see her other children. That, and going to church again! She was happy to share one more thing with us as we parted ways. This was one of their valuables that was saved from the floods:
Thanks to your generous support, we’ve been sending wheelchairs to Costa Rica for almost 10 years.
By giving the gift of mobility, you offer renewed hope to people like Debra and her sweet family as they rebuild their lives after the storm. They’re grateful to you – and so are we.
Blessings, Don Schoendorfer