Odett is from Santa Cruz, Costa Rica. She was born with Cerebral Palsy, making it very difficult for her to move on her own. Unlike many people with disabilities in the developing world, Odett did have access to a borrowed wheelchair, but that wheelchair was very old and not very useful.
Odett recently received a new wheelchair from Free Wheelchair Mission, and the impact on her life has been dramatic. She has been taking classes at a local school. She is involved with the community. Her new wheelchair is allowing her to enjoy an active lifestyle!
Odett said that she would like to take a course in human relationships next, because she likes to help other people. She wants to get a job in customer service for people with disabilities so she can help more people with disabilities. In fact, Odett said she’s going to work hard to do “whatever it takes” to help people. What a powerful statement!
Your generosity and your commitment to provide Odett with the gift of mobility will have far-reaching effects. She has a husband, two daughters, two grandsons, and a father – all of whom live in the same home. They are already blessed by this gift. And as Odett continues her studies and begins to work with others, that blessing will be multiplied.
Thank you for transforming lives like Odett’s and so many others in Costa Rica with the priceless gift of mobility. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Don Schoendorfer