Wheelchair Arrivals
May 2022
Your generosity sent six containers of wheelchairs to Chile, Haiti, and Yemen, where new wheelchairs will be provided to 3,022 people. More containers are en route to Kenya, Rwanda, the Philippines, Uganda, and Vietnam.
Our Founder Visits Vietnam
May 3-14
Free Wheelchair Mission Founder and President Don Schoendorfer (above, left) traveled to Vietnam, where he connected with our local distribution partner, Giving It Back to Kids, and witnessed firsthand the impact that your gifts are making on everyday people there.
Visiting Partners in Argentina and the DR
May 9-23
CEO Nuka Solomon (above, right) and Regional Programs Coordinator Ilse Caballeros visited CILSA, our distribution partner in Argentina, and both Fundacion Hospital El Buen Samaritano and ADR, our partners in the Dominican Republic. These visits not only give our staff a firsthand look at the work being done on the field, but also serve to strengthen our partnerships.
Surpassing Our Move for Mobility Goal
May 1-31
Our goal for the Move for Mobility was to raise funds for 1,000 new wheelchairs in the month of May, and thanks to all 600+ participants who ran, rolled, walked, hiked, swam, biked, kayaked, and more, we are currently at 1,607 wheelchairs and counting!