Wheelchair Arrivals
February 2020
Thanks to your generosity, eight containers of wheelchairs arrived in Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Peru, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, and India during the month of February 2020. Nearly four thousand lives will be transformed because of you.

Movie Night in LA
February 12th
Friends in Los Angeles joined us at the Théâtre Raymond Kabbaz for a screening of Because No One Should Have to Crawl, the PBS documentary about the one-millionth wheelchair provided by Free Wheelchair Mission. This was followed by a Q&A with CEO Nuka Solomon (left) and Founder & President Don Schoendorfer (right).

Visiting World Vision in El Salvador
February 13th
Since 2005, more than 36,000 people in El Salvador have received new wheelchairs because of friends like you and distribution partners like World Vision. Our Central America regional facilitator met with the World Vision wheelchair program staff in El Salvador.

The Abilities Expo
February 21st–23rd
The Abilities Expo Los Angeles offered us more opportunities to meet with supporters old and new, and to connect with the greater disability community.

Paraguay Distribution Partner Visit
February 24th–28th
The staff of Jesus Responde, a distribution partner in Paraguay, met with our regional programs manager to go over their wheelchair program. More than 2,000 wheelchairs have been distributed in Paraguay, thanks to your generosity and the hard work of our distribution partners.
Did You Get Our Latest Newsletter?
Winter 2020
If you haven’t received a copy of the Winter 2020 newsletter, featuring partner training in Rwanda, you can download a digital copy here.