Phaninder is a happily-married father of a three-year-old boy.
He’s an engineering graduate who had been operating his own fabrication plant in eastern India.
However, when a spinal cord injury left him paralyzed two years ago, he could no longer run the plant and was forced to shut it down.

Left without an income, Phaninder and his family moved in with his mother, who has been serving as his caregiver.
Our local distribution partner, India Christian Ministries, connected with Phaninder and fitted him with a new GEN_3 wheelchair, which folds to make it easier to transport, store, and squeeze through narrow doorways.
“Thank you for helping many people like us by providing not only a mobility aid, but also great confidence to lead our life,” said Phaninder. “Now, should I get a job or start a small business, this wheelchair will be very helpful to me to go to my workplace with more ease and confidence.”

Because of you, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed 99,454 wheelchairs to India since 2001, when we gave away our very first wheelchair—which happened to be in India.
You’ve also helped provide more than one million wheelchairs to people living with disability in 93 countries worldwide.
Thank you for your support of this mission.