COVID-19 Update
From the entire Free Wheelchair Mission team, we hope and pray that you are staying well during these difficult times.
Over the past months, our team has been developing and implementing a detailed COVID-19 contingency and response plan. Thankfully, all our staff have remained safe and healthy, and this plan has helped us mitigate many of the potential impacts of the virus.
We will continue to keep a close watch on all recommendations coming from the appropriate authorities and adjust our plans as is appropriate.
Our factory in China continues to keep us updated, and as of today, all their employees remain in good health with precautions being taken to ensure their safety. Our wheelchair production has thus far continued.
With our partners around the globe, some countries have closed their borders and we anticipate that some wheelchair distributions planned for early summer may be delayed. We will monitor these developments closely and adjust distributions accordingly.
Some of our in-person donor events in the U.S. may be impacted and need to be adjusted. Please be on the lookout for lots of “virtual” opportunities to get involved with our mission!
While this disruption to our everyday lives has the potential to impact our work, now, more than ever, we are fully committed to our mission in helping to bring the life-changing gift of mobility to those in need.
If anything, we’re even more energized to step up our efforts. Without mobility, social isolation has been a daily reality for 75 million people living with disabilities worldwide.
With the looming reality of an economic downturn, we are so very thankful for your ongoing support. We know so many across the world have been hit hard financially. As you are able, we are grateful for your prayers and for whatever you can do to help support our cause.
Thank you for your prayers for those whom we serve, for our partners around the world, as well as for our team.
We are praying for all of you!
Together, we have accomplished so much, and together, we will navigate this season of challenges to bring mobility to so many more in need.

Don Schoendorfer
Founder and President
Free Wheelchair Mission