Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.” Our prayer is that every wheelchair recipient will experience the love of their heavenly Father and come into relationship with Him. This gift of a wheelchair opens the door to relationship with God and the local church. When a pastor in a developing country is able to give wheelchairs away in their community, this tangible act of compassion builds friendship and trust. And it’s not uncommon for entire households to become Christ followers.
In the last chapter of Matthew, we see the Lord Jesus give the great commission instructing His disciples to preach the gospel to the entire world. Discipleship brings maturity and intimacy to our relationship with Jesus. We also discover that each of us have a mission and purpose for our lives. The testimony of a wheelchair recipient is powerful. A person who otherwise has no significance by society’s standards, now has a story of how God changed their life through a loving church and a functional wheelchair. What a platform to share the good news of the gospel… God loves and God saves!
Prayer Points:
- That local pastors would have favor in their communities.
- For recipients to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- That God would reveal each recipient’s purpose and calling in their lives.
Acts 2:42, 2 Timothy 2:2, Acts 14:20-22