Seven years ago, Sarina was a normal 11-year-old girl living in the Philippines, a picture of an ordinary daughter, ready to start high school the following year. One evening, everything changed. Sarina was brought to the hospital with a high fever. The doctor ordered an injection. Immediately, she went into cardiac arrest, almost losing her life.
As a result, Sarina’s arms and legs became paralyzed. She had to stop going to school. She stays at home all the time. She can’t speak. She has tried to express her feelings that life feels hopeless, useless and gloomy. In addition, Sarina’s family has been struggling with the expenses they incurred in the hospital. Her mother spends all of her time taking care of Sarina.
Last July, Children International in the Philippines partnered with Free Wheelchair Mission to help. The basic wheelchair they provided delivered a simple yet profound message to the family and to Sarina herself: a message of care, charity and compassion.
Life may still be hard for Sarina and her family. However, the transforming gift of mobility gave the family a renewed source of hope and a reason to go on with life in spite of everything that has happened.
Prayer Points:
- For God to restore hope for people with disabilities.
- For God to renew dreams for those with disabilities.
- For blessings for Sarina and her family.
Jeremiah 22:3, Psalm 112:9, Proverbs 19:17